Tuesday, 4 April 2006

game sauce

If you are roasting a pheasant and you have saved the giblets you might like to make a game sauce to go with it. The liver will be used for other things, but the heart, neck, gizzard and wing joints are just what we need!

This is how I made the game sauce :

Lightly toss the giblets, a chopped onion, some chopped carrot, a couple of mushrooms, a garlic clove, a bay leaf and a twig of thyme in a bit of olive oil. The amount of each ingredient, and the ingredients involved only depends on what you have to hand and how many giblets you have.
Roast for about 20 minutes at 200°c until everything is looking golden.
Scrape the solids into a saucepan and then deglaze the pan with some sherry or wine, scraping well. Pour the resulting juices into the sauce pan. Add a squeeze of tomato paste, some whole peppercorns and cover generously with chicken stock or at a pinch, water. Simmer for an hour then strain, squishing everything to sqeeze out at much juice as possible. Leave to cool and then skim any fat from the top.
Reheat, reduce and season when you are ready to eat.

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